Day 2: Tuesday 5/2/17

My day started off at 8:30 in which I was in the three year old classroom. This was the same classroom I worked in yesterday afternoon. Many of the kids were the same with some new faces. Today was a lot more hands on with the children. When I first got there, a couple of them asked for me to read to them. After reading to them, I did puzzles with the little boy named Jackson. After this they had circle time in which I sat in the circle with them and they sung their songs. I then sat with them at the tables during their snack time. I then went outside with some of the kids. I played with Harper. We played soccer and then she wanted to play “house”. After this all the kids took turns down the slide in which I caught them at the end. We then went inside. I read them a book while Miss Crystal set up activities for them. I sat at the table and helped them decorate butterflies. They then had lunch and I read a book to the other group of kids. After lunch they had nap time and I took a break.  I went back to the Inn at 2:30, the kids were waking up from their naps. I helped the ones that needed help putting there stuff away. We then headed over to the tables to have snack. Miss Crystal then seperated the kids into two groups, one stayed inside and had snack and played and I was with this group. I sat with them during snack and then we read books before going outside. When we went outside I played catch with a couple of the kids. We then went back inside while we had a lock down so we sat around the carpet and read a book. I then helped the kids put their coats back on to go outside. At this time it was around 4ish and my day was done. I enjoyed today it was a lot more interactive and I got to experience more of what a day is like being in the classroom. I worked a total of 5 and half hours. 


  1. After a busy morning, when they napped, I would need one too! I am sure you will rest well tonight :) Glad it was a great day!!


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