Weekly reflection 5/14/17

Total hours: 50 hours and 30 minutes 

This week at the Inn I was a lot more hands on and interactive for me. I knew the scheduling of every single day and the rules of the Inn a lot better this second week.I also felt a lot more comfortable being in the classroom. I continued to learn how to run a classroom with three and four year olds. I think something that I struggled with the first week was being able to say no to the kids. I think I learned a lot on how to do this and be fair to each kid as well. I also had a little more power this week. I was almost the second teacher in the classroom at times which was nice to be in that position. I got to read books with the kids, help them with their lunch. I also learned a lot of the little things that go into being a teacher. For example the hours they work and everything that comes with it.I  learned a lot this week about how the teachers handle certain situations and almost how they teach the kids manners. I now know how to talk to the kids in the right ways during situations. I know what to do if someone acts out and how to talk to them in the right way when this happens. This is something that is super important because you want the kids to treat each other with respect and being able to address it. I talked a lot with one of the teachers this week and she give me a lot of information that she has learned from being around children and how it has impacted her life. The kids  are very comfortable with me now. They know me very well and seeing them all come running to me when I get there in the morning is the best feeling all day. They respect me a lot more and listen to me very well. It is very impressive how well some of them behave and listen. I enjoyed this week probably even more than the first. I like being able to spend my day with these kids. They are always giggling and happy and can really make your day. Seeing the smile on these kids faces when they see you is definitely something that changes your mood. I wanted to know if this something I would like to do when I grow up. I think after these past two weeks I have definitely decided that I want to do it. Spending my days with kids and in these classrooms have really helped me fully decide what I want to be studying in college. There are always going to be surprises because they are kids. You never know what is going to happen. From kids sometimes peeing their pants or just kids being kids and getting messy. I do not find these surprises because its what kids do.I definitely think being a teacher is exhausting but I also think the reward of seeing how happy those kids are everyday is something that is worth it.I am looking forward to being able to spend another week with the people at the Inn.
