Day 3: Wednesday 5/3/17

I started off my day at 8:30. Today I was working in a different classroom with the teacher Miss Korie. This was the four year old classroom. Breyton and Addie were in that classroom and I had spent yesterday with them two. When I first got in many kids came over and gave me hugs, they then asked me to play blocks with them. We then built many different things with the blocks. We then went to the carpet in which they went over the day of the week and the months. We then went around the circle and answered a question that Miss Korie asked each of the kids. After that was snack time in which many of the kids wanted me to sit next to them so I had to keep switching my seat around.  We then had free time in which I read a book to a few of the children before heading over to the library. We walked over to the library as a class. Everyone wanted me to hold their hands on the walk over so I think one of the hardest parts was deciding who to hold hands with. Separating my time equally to each kid is very hard at times. Miss Korie picked the two kids that held my hands on the walk over. When we got to the library,Hadley, Hadley and Addie asked me to read them a book in which I did then the librarian read one to the whole class. On our walk back we stopped in front of Gannet and played on the grass. All the kids picked me flowers and we then played tag and hide ’n’ seek. They also thought it was funny to chase me around and grab my ankles and pull me to the ground, they enjoyed doing this for a while. We then headed back to the Inn were we had free time. So I sat at a table with about 5 girls and we colored different pictures. Addie colored me a picture that she wanted me to take home. I then helped Miss Korie heat up their lunches while she sat with them on the carpet and let one kid at a time go get there lunch. They then ate lunch and this is where I left for the day. I think something I noticed today that is challenging is making sure you split your time equally between the kids. This is something that I definitely can learn how to do by watching the other teachers more closely. I spent a total of 4 hours on my project today.


  1. You are learning valuable life skills, Amanda! You might have the best commute of any Senior Project participant.

  2. That is such a good observation about spreading your time evenly! You are doing so great!!


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