Day 5: Friday 05/5/17

I went to Imagination Inn at 8:30 today. I spent the morning with Miss Korie and the four year olds. When I first got there, they all came up and gave me hugs.We were stuck inside all morning because of the rain. Brenyton asked me to help him build something so I did this .Michaela came over and asked me to play with her so I told her I would after I finished. I then colored with her and Addie. We then played princess dominos, in which we did puzzles after and then played another game. Lucy joined us when we played this game. After the game we had circle time. We went over the weather, days of the week and months. We also sang happy birthday to Charlie because it is his birthday tomorrow. After that Miss Korie told kids one at a time to get there snack. We then had snack time. After snack time they had the choice to paint with watercolors or play around. I sat with the kids who did the water paints. After this they had the choice to make necklaces or make pictures. I helped many of them with their necklaces. After this me and Michaela did a puzzle of the United States. She was able to almost do the whole puzzle herself. After we cleaned up. I sat in the middle of the circle and read them a book and in which I called them to go get lunch one at a time. I then heated up anyone who’s lunch needed to be heated up. After they ate lunch they went over to the other classroom for nap time this is where I left for the morning. I went back to the Inn at 2:30. They were all getting up from their naps. I helped Miss Korie put the mats away. They then had snack time in which I sat and talked with them. After this the kids from Andover come over. I did some puzzles and colored with the older kids. Talia made me some drawings to take home. After that it was around 4:15 so then I left for the day. Days like today were a lot of work because we couldn’t go outside  I attached a picture of the classroom that I have been working in everyday. 
