Day 9: Thursday 5/11/17

Today I worked at the Inn with the third grade classroom. When I got in they were finishing up making bags for their mothers day gifts. I sat at a table and talked with a couple of the kids after this we went to circle. They sang some of their songs and then Miss Crystal did a game with colors with them. After this she read them a book. They all wanted to teach me the hokey pokey. They did this at the end of circle. It was really cute seeing how much the kids like doing this. After this we had snack. I sat with them while they ate. We then outside for about an hour. I played around with the kids. After this we went back inside in which Miss Crystal read them a story. They then had different tables with activities for the kids to do. One table was making cards for mothers and the other was finishing up the gifts. I sat at the table with puzzles and helped any that needed help. After this they cleaned up and went to circle. Miss Crystal read a book they then went to lunch and nap time. I went back after there naps. In which they all gave me hugs and I sat on the rug with them. Miss Doreen was helping other kids get up so I read a book to the kids on the rug to keep them busy. After this they had snack time and then put on their coats and went outside. I stayed outside and played with them for a while. I worked a total of 5 hrs and 45 minutes today.
